Thank you, and we’ll see you again
NewsWe nearly hit a decade. It's been almost 9 years since Mike and Laura Record launched Is This Movie Suitable. In that time we've posted hundreds of reviews, featured in the local papers, made friends with enigmatic Belgian residents, and provided…

ITMS Celebrates International Women’s Day
With roots laid during civil unrest and female rights marches in 1908 in the USA, International Women's Day was established in 1911. After activism dipped in the years to follow it became less of an annual feature, but since the turn of the…

ITMS are taking part in Rainbows ‘Walk of Life’!
NewsIs This Movie Suitable will be participating in the Rainbows ‘Walk of Life’ on 29th June 2014
Mike and Laura, co-creators of the ITMS website, will be taking part in the ‘Walk of Life’ for Rainbows on 29th June 2014. Laura will be doing…

BBFC to take public opinion on suitable content
NewsBBFC to take public opinion on suitable content
The British Board of Film Classification started a six-week consultation process as at Friday 1st March 2013. They will ask members of the public to fill out an online survey in…