
The Hunger Games
Action, Drama, DVD Review, Netflix (UK), TeensThe Hunger Games - In a dystopian future, the Hunger Games are played and televised every year as punishment for a war waged generations ago. 24 ‘tributes’ aged between 12 to 18 are chosen by lottery from the 12 districts and forced to fight…

The Three Musketeers
Action / Adventure, DVD Review, Family Friendly, LOVEFiLMThe Three Musketeers - The young, ambitious and talented D’Artagnan moves to Paris with dreams of becoming a Musketeer. He meets the currently unemployed Athos, Porthos and Aramis and soon becomes embroiled in a bid to thwart a plot to overthrow…

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Azkaban: a prison for dangerous wizards and impossible to escape from. But somehow convicted murderer, Sirius Black, has broken free and it appears that he is hunting down the famous Harry Potter. Harry,…

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - The Tri-Wizard Tournament is so dangerous that no wizard under 17 is allowed to compete but when, at age 14, Harry Potter’s name flies out of the Goblet of Fire, he is forced to take part. He must face…

Ella Enchanted
Comedy, DVD Review, Family Friendly, Fantasy, For Kids, Netflix (UK)Ella Enchanted - Young maiden, Ella, has been given the ‘gift’ of obedience by her misguided godmother, Lucinda. Having to do as she is told causes problems with Ella’s family, friends and her new acquaintance, the handsome Prince Char.…

Bridge To Terabithia
Drama, DVD Review, Family Friendly, Fantasy, LOVEFiLM, Netflix (UK)Bridge to Terabithia - A lonely boy discovers the wonders of his imagination when he befriends the new girl at school. After exploring the nearby woods, the two friends create their own imaginary world called Terabithia, using it as an escape…

Beautiful Creatures
DVD Review, Fantasy, Romance, TeensBeautiful Creatures - Tired of the small southern town mentality, High School Junior, Ethan, longs to leave. But when reclusive new girl Lena arrives he notices that she looks just like the girl he has been dreaming about. Unbeknownst to him,…

Animated, DVD Review, Family Friendly, Fantasy, HorrorCoraline - Ignored by parents who are too wrapped up in their own troubles, Coraline is bored in her new home and with her crazy neighbours who can’t even pronounce her name right. But when she discovers a tiny door to a mirror world, she…

The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
Action / Adventure, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Frodo and Sam reach the final stage of their perilous journey to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom while the other members of the Fellowship try to protect the city of Gondor from…

The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
Action / Adventure, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - A small band of hobbits find themselves caught up in a quest to destroy the One Ring, the source of the evil Sauron’s power. Joined by noble humans, a gruff dwarf, a wise wizard and an ethereal…

Warm Bodies
Comedy, DVD Review, Horror, Romance, TeensWarm Bodies - ‘R’ is a very unusual zombie, he craves humanity as well as human flesh. When he and a group of (zombie) friends attack a small group of human survivors, he meets the pretty but disillusioned Julie and takes her back to his…

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Action / Adventure, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - A band of dwarves enlist the help of Gandalf The Grey who must persuade the unassuming and peaceful hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, to help Thorin Oakenshield and company reclaim their homeland from the evil dragon,…