
Disaster, DramaArctic - The sole survivor of a plane crash over the Arctic continues to live a meagre existence, hoping for rescue. When his distress beacon finally works and a helicopter arrives, a subsequent snow flurry causes it to crash. Finding only one…

Avengers: Endgame
Action, Comic Book, DVD Review, Family FriendlyAvengers: Endgame - The world continues to turn after Thanos has wiped out half of life on Earth (as well as in the rest of the universe) but for many, moving on has become impossible. The remaining Avengers seek a way to reverse the 'snap'…

Need for Speed
Crime, DVD Review, Sport, Teens, ThrillerNeed for Speed - After spending 2 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit which resulted in the death of a friend, former race car driver, Tobey Marshall, breaks his parole to enter an illegal car race to seek the truth. But with the race…

Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Action, Comic Book, Fantasy, TeensHellboy II: The Golden Army - When an ancient, forgotten enemy to humans decides to break the centuries old truce to reanimate an army of unstoppable automatons, Hellboy is the world's only hope of defeating them. However, Hellboy has issues…

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Action, Animated, DVD ReviewSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Miles Morales is struggling to fit in to his new school. His father doesn't understand him so he turns to his uncle for guidance. But when Miles is bitten by a radioactive spider and starts to develop superpowers…

Action / Adventure, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyAquaman - Born from the illicit affair between an Atlantean Queen and a human lighthouse owner, Arthur Curry is the rightful heir to the throne, but is happier to live on land, using his powers to save lives and help fight pirates. But when…

16 Blocks
DVD Review, For Adults, Thriller16 Blocks - Alcoholic Detective, Jack Mosley, reluctantly agrees to escort a witness to the court house, 16 blocks away, to testify on a corruption case. But when the witness is attacked, Jack discovers that some of his most trusted colleagues…

Action / Adventure, DVD Review, Family Friendly, Fantasy, Science FictionTomorrowland - Science obsessed, Casey, is mysteriously given a pin which transports her to an incredible futuristic world. Discovering that the pin was given to her by a young girl, Athena, who is recruiting people to go to Tomorrowland, Casey…

Loving Vincent
Animated, Crime, Drama, For Adults, Netflix (UK), PeriodLoving Vincent - Vincent van Gogh had written to say he was feeling calm and normal just six weeks before his apparent suicide and so when a lost undelivered letter from him to his brother, Theo, is discovered, his suspicious former postman…

A Ghost Story
Drama, Fantasy, For Adults, RomanceA Ghost Story - A musician dies and leaves behind his grieving partner. But his ghost watches over her, and as time passes inexorably on, the ghost watches as people and settings change; but still it lingers.
A Ghost Story (2017) - Director:…

The Book Thief
Drama, DVD Review, Period, WarThe Book Thief - In Nazi Germany, young Liesel Meminger is taken in by the kindly Hans and his stern wife, Rosa. Not fully understanding why her mother left her, she develops an obsession with reading and is thrown into life in the small town…

The Meg
Action, DVD Review, For Adults, Science Fiction, TeensThe Meg - During an exploration expedition, scientists discover a deeper layer to the ocean below the Mariana Trench and with it a whole new world of never before seen marine life. Unfortunately, this includes a previously-thought-extinct enormous…