Shaun The Sheep Movie
Animated, Comedy, Family Friendly, For KidsShaun The Sheep Movie - Shaun and his fellow sheep are bored of the same old routine at their farm. They deceive the sheep dog and farmer so they can get a bit of freedom for the day, but when the farmer gets knocked out and rolls away in a…
Early Man
Comedy, DVD Review, Family Friendly, SportEarly Man - Dug and his Stone Age tribe live a simple life until people of the Bronze Age muscle in on their land. Their only hope is to play a game of football and win against the Bronze Age soccer superstars or be damned to a life of slavery…
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Action / Adventure, Animated, Comedy, DVD Review, Family Friendly, Netflix (UK)The Pirates! Band of Misfits - The Pirate Captain has the full respect of his crew but what would really make his life complete is to win first prize at the 'Pirate of the Year' competition. Realising that he doesn't stand a chance against…