
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Action, Comedy, Comic Book, Drama, Family FriendlySpider-Man: No Way Home - With Peter's anonymity now smashed to pieces, he and those closest to him start to suffer. Desperate to find a way to make things right, Peter visits Doctor Strange for a spell that could help. But after Peter accidentally…

Captain Marvel
Action, Comic Book, DVD Review, TeensCaptain Marvel - On the Kree planet of Hala, Vers trains with her mentor, Yon-Rogg, to control the powerful abilities she has been given. After a fight with their enemies, the Skrull, Vers finds herself literally thrown to Earth in 1995, attracting…

Black Panther
Action, Comic Book, DVD Review, Fantasy, For Adults, TeensBlack Panther - After the death of his father, T'Challa prepares himself to lead Wakanda as they have always been led, by hiding their amazing technology (created thanks to a huge mine of the alien substance 'vibranium') away from the outside…

Thor: Ragnarok
Comic Book, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyThor: Ragnarok - Upon speaking to Odin, Thor and Loki discover that they have a sister, Hela, 'The Goddess of Death' who was banished by their father for her insatiable appetite for death and destruction. When Hela is released from her exile,…

Spider-Man: Homecoming
Action, Comic Book, DVD Review, Family FriendlySpider-Man: Homecoming - After helping Tony Stark in his fight against his fellow Avengers, Peter Parker, a.k.a Spider-Man is convinced that he is as essential part of Iron Man's team, a thought that Stark and his employee 'Happy' are keen to…

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Comedy, DVD Review, Family Friendly, Science Fiction, TeensGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - After a narrow escape from some former allies, The Guardians of the Galaxy - Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Baby Groot come across a man, Ego, who claims to be Peter's father. Forced to split up due to…

Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Action, Comic Book, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyAvengers: Age Of Ultron - Acting with good intentions doesn’t always work out, as Tony Stark (aka ‘Iron Man’) finds out when trying to create the perfect defence. Ultron - an artificial intelligence programme created by Stark – takes…

Thor: The Dark World
Action / Adventure, Comic Book, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyThor: The Dark World - An ancient race who lived before the light of the universe want to turn all existence back to eternal night. The key to doing this is using a powerful force known as The Aether during the Convergence of the nine realms…