
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Animated, Comedy, Crime, Disney+, Family FriendlyWho Framed Roger Rabbit - Roger Rabbit is a struggling Toon star in a world where cartoons and people live together. When put in the picture for the murder of a human, Roger turns to washed up and bitter detective, Eddie Valiant. With the terrifying…

Family Friendly, HorrorNightbooks - Horror story obsessed Alex finds himself kidnapped by a witch after running away from his arguing parents. Realising he must remain useful to his captor, he reads her stories that he has written himself. Meeting fellow captive,…

The Kid Who Would Be King
Action / Adventure, Comedy, DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyThe Kid Who Would Be King - When ordinary 12 year old, Alex Elliott, extracts a sword from a stone, he discovers that it is Excalibur and it has chosen him to continue King Arthur's legacy. Deep underground, Morgana plots to take Excalibur for…

Pacific Rim: Uprising
Action, DVD Review, Science Fiction, TeensPacific Rim: Uprising - It has been ten years since the Kaiju were driven back through the breach, and Earth enjoys peace with a few minimal reminders of what happened. Jake, a dead war hero's son meets Amara Namani who has made her own Jaeger…

Transformers: The Last Knight
Action, DVD Review, Fantasy, Teens, WarTransformers: The Last Knight - Centuries ago, Knights of Cybertron fled from dark forces and took with them the staff of power which, in the wrong hands, can destroy a planet. When Cade discovers a talisman which binds itself to his body,…

Kamikaze Girls
Comedy, DVD Review, For AdultsKamikaze Girls - Momoko is not a typical teen. She seems incapable of feeling anything beyond loving the fashion and gender stereotypes of the long past French Rococo era. She dresses in lavish lace dresses, but can't afford her habit. When…

ITMS Celebrates International Women’s Day
With roots laid during civil unrest and female rights marches in 1908 in the USA, International Women's Day was established in 1911. After activism dipped in the years to follow it became less of an annual feature, but since the turn of the…

Rogue One
Action, Action / Adventure, Comic Book, Disaster, DVD Review, Family Friendly, Science Fiction, WarRogue One - When gifted scientist Galen Erso is forcibly taken from his home to work for the evil Imperial Empire, his young daughter, Jyn, goes into hiding and is taken in by family ally and Rebel leader, Saw Gerrera. Years later, Jyn is…

Suicide Squad
Action, Comic Book, DVD Review, For Adults, TeensSuicide Squad - When the power of beings like Superman have become reality, the question has to be asked 'what if the next being is not on our side?' Fearful of such an outcome, a governmental agency sets about setting up a hit squad which could…

Captain America: Civil War
Action, Comic Book, DVD Review, Family FriendlyCaptain America: Civil War - After the global tragedies that the Avengers' have been involved in, governments of the world are clamouring to limit the power of the superheroes. The need to sign or not sign to a proposed oversight agreement splits…

Big Hero 6
Animated, Comedy, DVD Review, For Kids, LOVEFiLM, Science FictionBig Hero 6 - In San Fransokyo, Hiro Hamada, a young genius tearaway, is pulled onto the right track by his older brother, Tadashi, and his friends at a prestigious school for highly intelligent youngsters. When tragedy strikes, Hiro finds solace…

Jurassic World
Action, DVD Review, For Adults, Science FictionJurassic World - Highly successful theme park, Jurassic World, is a delight for tourists the world over; behind the scenes, demand for bigger and more thrilling attractions leads to the scientists creating a brand new, unique dinosaur. Very…