
Jungle Cruise
Action / Adventure, Family Friendly, PeriodJungle Cruise - Tears of the Moon is a mythical flower purported to have incredible healing powers. Dr Lily Houghton, frustrated by the sexism of the time that insists women are inferior, is convinced the flower is real. With her brother failing…

Horrible Histories: The Movie – Rotten Romans
Comedy, DVD Review, PeriodHorrible Histories: The Movie - Rotten Romans - Atti is a Roman teenager more interested in smarts than brawn. But after a horse urine mixup he finds himself enlisted in the army and sent to Britain in order to quell the rebellious Celts, led…

The Tuxedo
Comedy, DVD Review, Martial Arts, TeensThe Tuxedo - When his new boss is badly injured, hapless driver, Jimmy Tong, finds himself trying to fill the shoes of a suave, smooth and confident spy and, when he finds a special, technology-laden Tuxedo, he has to literally fill his clothes…

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
DVD Review, Family Friendly, FantasyHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - When Harry gains possession of a tatty but heavily scribbled-in textbook which has been labelled ‘Property of the Half-Blood Prince’ he finds himself top of the class. However, classes are the least…